Monday, October 24, 2005

First Blog

Hi Everybody,

It's good to finally have broadband and feel "connected." I have been so busy lately and I am sorry I couldn't write. I suppose an update is in order:

First Sandra and Matt left me for who knows how long?! Thank God Anna Marie and Jim were there to keep me company. I was staying in Los Altos, just hanging out, eating, and sleeping, and decided to go on holiday. Where to go? I had been to San Luis Obispo, LA, Santa Barbara, Tahoe, and Yosemite... I figured it was time for me to go back to my roots, Australia. (I am half Australian Shepherd, you know). So I boarded a plane, and off I went, first to Auckland for a couple hour layover and then to Sydney, the hottest city in Australia (by hottest, I mean night life) . So I booked myself into a time share about an hour west of Sydney, and as you can see in the pictures, it's a pretty swanky place. I convinced Sandra and Matt to come out and join me, but my place is only a one bedroom, so they agreed to get a place and I could join them there. For now I will stay here, and in a few weeks I will join them at their Paddington pad.

I'm going to miss this place; I've been making some great friends and learning some new languages. My neighbour is from Japan (pictured below) and has been teaching me the language.

Well I have to run, but take a look at the pictures that Sandra and Matt took of me. We had a 2 day photo shoot with full hair and makeup on location at Eastern Creek Quarantine. More to come soon.